Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A beautiful day it is... sun is shinning, not sure what to do, sew or garden. Both need to be done.


  1. Hi Janet!
    I had the same dilemma today. It was hot hot hot outside and hubby and I stayed indoors most of the day. We have days off on the same day...lately we've been going to the doctors office..(old age setting in!). I needed to do laundry but sitting in our large recliner together and watching movies seemed the order of the day for us. I think I'm full of popcorn and milk duds!

    By the way, let me know how the healing oil turned out.

    Deanna :D

  2. I will, it takes a month for the oil to do it's thing, I am pretty excited about this. I love to make use of the things growing in my yard, and to have a healing flower is just amazing. We move out here only a year ago and I had no idea I had such a flower till this year.
